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Underwater digital photos at sharks cove of rock walking, cave diving, and animal life including dolphins, turtles, eels, sharks, manta rays, fish, coral reef, etc

Underwater digital videos at sharks cove of rock walking, cave diving, and animal life including dolphins, turtles, eels, sharks, manta rays, fish, coral reef, etc

Blogs, Advice and Comments about the listed Activites and People.

Maps and Directions for each activity.  Includes photos of trail heads, signs, warnings, etc.

Surf, Tide, and weather report for suring and diving conditions.

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Diving NorthShore
Diving South & West
Falls, Kaipapa'u
Falls, Ko'loa (Turtle)
Falls, Laie
Falls, Ma'akua (7 Falls)
Falls, Malaekahana
Falls, Manoa
Falls, Maunawili
Falls, Sacred
Falls, Waimano
Hike, Chinaman's Hat
Hike, Crouching Lion
Hike, Hauula Loop
Hike, Kahana Valley
Hike, Ko'olau Summit
Island, Big
Island, Kauai
Island, Maui
Pounders Beach
Random (Active)
Random (Passive)
Rock Climbing
Rope Swing
Scuba, Mahi/Plane
Shark Cage
Slip N Slide
Spear Fishing
Stairway To Heaven
Waimea Waves

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Adrianne J
Amber B
Asa M
Bob & Tye
Dave K
Dustin & Bryce
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Greg S
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Jason S
Jimiejo F
Kathryn H
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Lacey K
Leslie H
Libby H
Matt R
Melissa & Melanie
Mers Fam
Miles & Kira
Mindy B
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Perla & Tasha
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Steffanie J
Tiffanie H

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Another Banyon Tree decorated with Merlin and Stef Mer observing downed observation tower. Couple turtles marinating on black sand beach - Big Island, Hawaii Black Sand Man Rainbow Falls Someother waterfall I Walked away half red after posing for this photo. Asa n' Merlin up a tree Mom and the boyz Louie, John, Merlin, Asa, Aubree Ace and Merlin - Refreshing Swim Count 4 Critters Which one does not belong Underwater boarding We're Cute Superheros Merlin and Leslie - Maunawilli Falls Trail We're Cute Grooms for Asas wedding Manoa Falls Trail - October 3, 2004 Merlin in the Bamboo Forest on Manoa Trail Surfest Concert Jeep & Kahuna & da boyz out muddin Kahana Valley Getting high with simulated Skydiving Dan, Jon, Jason, Merlin, Greg, Clayton Louie, Mindy, Amber, Merlin, Amber, Disney - BYUH Winter Ball March 24, 2005 Quick run through shark infested breeding grounds.  <br> Probably just a stupid rumor anyway. Falls #5 Chillin with Chef Loren and eating dutch oven kine grind Merlin with sparklers on July 4, 2005  (Camera has longer exposure) Sarah & Merlin at Cosmic Bowling Toga Boys Jonathan Crocket climbing waterfall #3 Waterfall #11 at Ma'akua Gulch Opeaka'a Falls on the island of Kauai Part way through our 2 day hike on the NaPali coast trail.  Total distance of 26 miles. Water Break on the NaPali Trail Preparing a much needed dinner on Kalalau beach 11 miles from the start of the Napali trail. Merlin Merlin and Jon climb up and over to do more exploring. Falls #10 Jon and Merlin coming up to waterfall #3 Another of the many waterfalls on the road to Hana Camping out at the top of an ocean cliff Bamboo Forest on Kipahulu Trail Waimoku Falls (400 foot) at Seven Sacred Pools Merlin, Aragon, Sarah, Yo, Chad, Matt Double Falls at the base of the same waterfall. Merlin on the 5th waterfall drop (about 110 feet in height). All four of us at the bottom of the 5th waterfall. That's me.  I got the photo.  Time to start the ascent back up the all the waterfalls. The trail continues gradually descend over a series of steep saddles.<br> (Merlin overlooking the trail down.) The master (right) and the apprentice (left) Not much for skills but I got the basics down. Finishing a ride at left-overs on North shore Ko'loa Falls, Jenne, Tailee in front.  Lauren, Lisa, Kaylee, Perla, Valerie.  Randy and Merlin in back. Turtle Bay Dropping in at Left Overs Break Mer and Suzanne on 3rd waterfall in the Ma'akua. Me and Jada!<br>Kaipapa'u Falls Harnessed up and ready to get wet. Mer at the top of the big drops (300 and 500 foot waterfalls). Jared and Merlin heading over the lip of the drop. Commando style's the proper way to go down this one. Between the big drops - setting for the the 510 foot drop. 510 foot waterfall above sacred falls.  Not sure which one of us it is at the top rappelling down. Waterfall is to large to fit in one photo.   Another rappeller coming down. Merlin Mer - close up We're hot Pinballs break at Waimea Bay Merlin and Emily! I don't recommend doing this hike in the dark.  Start and early and bring a headlamp or flashlight anyway.
Proud of those man boobs I am. Kahana Valley Trail Maunawili Falls trail Emily and Mer at Turtle Bay Emily and Merlin at Turtle Bay Break Pinballs Break at Waimea Bay Emily & Merlin at Pinballs break in Waimea Bay Oooh, tough wipe out Emily Surfing Sequence at Waimea Bay Mer at Pinballs - Waimea Bay A Wonderful Tubular Waimea Wave Oh Dear Turtle Bay Wrapping up a nice ride at Waime. Mermer at Turtle Bay - one of the greatest rides of my career. Randy and I enjoying a wave at Waimea